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This is a test from Ulysses
I just searched Mikie Jones on Google. My Sound Cloud account comes out tops.
I set up my computer table. Hooked up my TV to my desktop. Setup Apple TV. Cleared bedside table. Cleared clutter in bedroom. Installed multicolour light to the home studio set. Took out all the lamps for studio. Need an extra lamp though…
I was also able to work on a home studio. It’s always baffled my mind how to get it set up. I thought it was so super complicated and hard. But all I need is 3 lights positioned at different places. It was that simple! We have a home video studio with normal lamps’n
Been missing in action. Sorry. Was baking Pumpkin Mantao, writing Medium posts and finishing the edit for Pumpkin Mantao video all done and ready to go! My M1 MacBook Pro finished a 6 minute video render in 13 minutes!!! My first video took me hours!!! For an hour.
This is a test from Ulysses